

Belief, Family, God, Leaving Christianity

If fear is at the foundation of your Christian experience, where does that leave you when you leave?

After I had my first article published, where I talked openly about my sister’s addictions and my understanding of death and God, I felt conflicting emotions. I felt tall and strong for being honest with myself to write and own my experiences and have them published under my own name. I felt an unfamiliar feeling of self-clarification from sharing my feelings that would undoubtedly hurt my family’s feelings, but doing it anyway for the sake of my own growth. I…

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Belief, Christianity, God, Leaving Christianity

Becoming More Spiritual In The Wake of Leaving Religion

The true dichotomy of life is that everything is both painfully meaningless and astoundingly meaningful. Spirituality is what lies in the liminal space between the two. For decades I believed that Jesus was the gatekeeper of this spiritual realm and that by leaving the Christian community, the doors were no longer open to me. As my attitude became more latitudinarian, so did my understanding of who claimed to be custodians of this sacred and unknowing territory.

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Christianity, Church, God

Amidst the ashes, where are God’s stewards?

I have often wondered why we hear so little from the established Churches on climate change. It has become impossible to ignore – and yet many are still trying. It has always seemed basic common sense that, if God has created this world for us, then it is incumbent upon us to care for it.

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Christianity, Church, God

What Do The Terms ‘Deconstruction’ and ‘Reconstruction’ Mean?

There’s a lot of talk about religious ‘deconstruction’ and ‘reconstruction’ at the moment, particularly coming from the #Exvangelical movement. We’re seeing high-profile Christian leaders, authors, theologians and musicians like Joshua Harris (author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye) and Marty Sampson (Hillsong writer) walking away from Christianity, and doing so publicly.  Christians would label this as “leaving the fold” or “falling away”, but for many, and maybe for these former Christian leaders, these terms fail to represent the journey. In fact,…

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God, Islam

Phoebe the Pseudomuslim: From God to Allah

Ramadan has been full of many first experiences. This has been my first religious fast, despite practicing as a Christian for many years and intending to fast ‘some day’ for many of those years. Joining a global community of 1.8 billion Muslims finally made it possible.

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