
Leaving Christianity

Christianity, Church

A Letter to My Long Lost Christian Friend

To my long lost Christian friend, You and I grew up together, wedged between the rows of plastic seats at the back of church in our floral dresses and bare feet. We’d scribble over colouring in pages of Noah and his animals, Jonah and the whale, Mary and baby Jesus. At Children’s Church we’d make paddle pop stick boxes for our mothers and leather pressed tea coasters for our fathers. On church camps, we’d proudly chant Father Abraham as we’d…

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4 Things That Helped Me Deconstruct My Faith

Deconstruction hit me in the face like a tonne of religiously-laden bricks. I had just finished 2 years of professional ministry, after 26 years of ‘church stuff’ since birth. Six months after the job, in the middle of the Same Sex Marriage debate, I noticed I was seriously questioning everything I’ve taken for granted, everything I’ve been taught, and everything I’ve taught others. I was filled with cynicism and grief towards the Church, the terrible things it’s done to people,…

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Christianity, Church, Family

I Grew up in the Church and Then I Grew out of It

Imagine this: a room full of people chanting the same prayer that has been chanted for decades in hundreds of other rooms just like this one. There’s a girl sitting in the back. She’s about 14. She’s wearing a dress from Jay Jays and she has straightened hair. The year is 2011. The sound of these voices are alien to her; they sound like possessed zombies or something. She doesn’t know why she’s here, and not in an existential, totalitarian…

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Christianity, Church

A Call For Reformation In The Anglican Church

In the name of those who want to hold the warm hand of a same-sex lover. In the name of the women who feel called to preach the Bible to their communities. In the name of left wing voters who maintain their faith in Jesus but struggle with conservative culture. In the name of sexually active congregational members suffering the burden of shame from the teachings of purity culture. In the name of those struggling with a mental health condition…

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My Life Isn’t Meaningless Since I’ve Left The Church

Remarkably, I didn’t feel a gaping hole in my chest when I left the church. I didn’t feel the emptiness that I feared, or the emptiness that I thought existed before I “gave my life to Christ”. Life simply moved on. Instead of spending 3 nights a week serving, I built stronger relationships with my friends, I helped in community-based initiatives, I wrote, I rested. I filled the empty spaces in my schedule with other activities that provided me with…

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Christianity, Church

Church Isn’t The Only Place You Can Find Love and Acceptance

You can hear the worship music from the carpark half a kilometre away. Overly excited greeters welcome me at the door, palming service booklets and pens into my hand. The conference auditorium seats over a thousand guests and they’re clapping enthusiastically as the host jumps up on stage with a huge grin on his face. He welcomes the room with a cheer and kicks off the first worship song. The smoke machines frame the well-dressed worship team. I manage to…

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