
Sexuality & Gender

Leaving Christianity, Sexuality & Gender

To the Pastoral Carer who Taught me to be Single, Celibate, and Cis

At one point, I remember you offered me a six-week program that you had designed, in which I could mourn my loss of love. One designed for women with “same-sex attraction”.  A program through which I could express grief over the fact that I would give up my ‘desire for a romantic relationship’,  and find joy in the Jesus I was being presented with. I think it was supposed to be cathartic? 

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Christianity, Sex

The Freedom to Question My Sexuality

I never questioned my sexuality as a teenager. To be honest, I didn’t know my heterosexuality could be questioned. Being gay was a choice influenced by Satan, and my choice, as a God-fearing young woman, was to be attracted to men.  As I moved through the currents of teen-hood and into adulthood, I wondered whether this would remain true were I raised in a gender-neutral household, where assumptions about sex and gender were not upheld. While my liberal-Christian parents did…

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