

Christianity, Sex

The Freedom to Question My Sexuality

I never questioned my sexuality as a teenager. To be honest, I didn’t know my heterosexuality could be questioned. Being gay was a choice influenced by Satan, and my choice, as a God-fearing young woman, was to be attracted to men.  As I moved through the currents of teen-hood and into adulthood, I wondered whether this would remain true were I raised in a gender-neutral household, where assumptions about sex and gender were not upheld. While my liberal-Christian parents did…

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Christianity, Sex

How Church Has Damaged Sex for Those Who Have Left

I have spoken to a lot of people about sex, particularly about how difficult it has been to enjoy the ecstasy of sex post-religion. I believe the way the Christian church talks about sex is damaging, and this damage is experienced, in full force, by those who leave it. Churches have room to shift the way they talk about sex, while maintaining the Biblical conviction that sex should be reserved for marriage. This blog post seeks to give voice to…

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