“What did we do wrong?” parents cry after another argument with their son or daughter.
“What is God trying to teach us?”
It’s a Saturday night. Someone is refusing to come to church on Sunday morning. Doors were slammed, forks thrown across the dinner table. Someone cried. It was just like any old family argument about dirty washing or dirty dishes, except it was about faith in something that is often difficult for both believers and non-believers to comprehend.
Here’s what people who leave Christianity say about their Christian parents
The first thing to do, before anything else, is to sit and listen to what your child is trying to say. Make them feel heard. Make them feel understood. After surveying a number of 20-30-year-olds about their experiences leaving Christianity, here’s what they had to say about how their journey influenced their relationship with their parents.
“I do think it hurt him [my father] and still does because he believes that myself and my siblings… are likely going to hell. I feel guilty when I do things outside of the Christian framework, e.g. sex before marriage, dating a non-Christian partner – we’ve been dating for a year and I still haven’t told my parents!”
“… I was upset about disappointing my parents. Quickly their disappointment turned to anger, which made me angry too. We fought a lot.”
“…My Christian parents who would be so heartbroken if I was to walk away from church. If it wasn’t for them I would have left already. It’s hard because I don’t want to hurt them but at the same time need to live my life for what I believe.”
“I remember seeing a Christian study book on a shelf at home, I nonchalantly flipped through it and noticed it had been filled out. In the little box underneath the question “what is your greatest fear?” my mother had scrawled “my children dying, my children not becoming Christians”. I teared up while reading this, because I knew the impact my decision was going to have on my parents.”
These young people love their parents, and are deeply afraid of them too. They don’t hate them. They are worried about them. Many prioritise approval from their parents rather than the need to tell the truth. They are protecting both their parents and themselves. To hear another story, read Grace’s here.
Your children understand the fear of hell, but they don’t feel the heat anymore
We understand the ever-present fear of hell and Jesus’s imminent return. We get how overwhelming that is, most of us former believers used to feel it for our loved ones who didn’t believe in the resurrection and forgiveness of Jesus Christ as well. We get that there’s a fire coming and the smoke is here and it’s an emergency and you want to haul us out lest we burn to death. But you need to know that we can’t see fire and we can’t feel heat anymore. We’re numb. We’re floating out in a big blue ocean and the concept of fire burning here is completely unfathomable.
How do you tell someone a fire is coming when they’re in an ocean?
I think that if your child leaves Christianity, there should be room for celebration. Not necessarily for the rejection of God himself, but what lies beneath that rejection. You have raised a young person who feels bold enough to think about the world and their existence for themselves. They aren’t simply lapping up the Bible on a Sunday morning with no regard for its context in the world. You have raised an independent thinker who questions what they have been taught. This skill is integral in the workplace and in relationships as well. Someone who doesn’t question can often fall into the hands of harmful people.
My parents are Christians, but they read my blog and support my journey. Why? Because it’s my journey. Because I’m seeking. Because I have recognised I have only been taught one story and I want to know more stories so I know I’m making the right choice. But I think I (and a lot of us with Christian parents) can be a heck of a lot more understanding of our parents’ fear of fire. While religious belief isn’t as easy and consumable as it once was, our parents are not ‘dumb’ or ‘ignorant’ for consuming it. They have been on this earth so much longer than us and often they simply want us to experience the joy they have now found.
What to do when your children date non-Christians
A lot of parents realise that their child has ‘fallen away’ when they introduce their non-Christian partner. It’s a very public way of saying, at the very least, a mutual faith is not as important to me as is preached from the pulpit. The last thing any parent wants is to lose their child, especially to a partner that they deem is not the right fit. But there a few things that need to happen before that determination has been made:
Love before faith
Before you ask about you son or daughter’s partner’s beliefs, ask if they treat your child with love and kindness. Faith is not a guarantee of loving treatment, read this if you think I’m wrong.
Respect your child’s agency
Your child’s partner did not lead him/her astray and therefore should not be blamed or treated as a lesser a person. If your child is a young adult, respect their agency. Respect the immensity and strength of their love, which I argue is possible without Christ.
Make their partner comfortable
By vehemently rejecting your child’s already-made decision to be in a relationship with a non-Christian, your child’s partner will never feel comfortable with you, and will find it difficult to appease the whole “Christians aren’t judgemental” thing. They will immediately associate your dismissal with the Christian faith.
Don’t shame them for activities they don’t believe are sinful anymore. It won’t achieve anything.
If they’re already dating, welcome them into the family. I understand if you want them sleeping in separate beds under your roof. But if they are having sex, separating their beds is not preventing them from doing so. Separating them is simply preventing them from doing so in your house while you’re there, so don’t freak out if you find condoms in your son or daughter’s bedroom. They’re probably already feeling guilty about sex because of the teachings during their formative years. Sex is a beautiful thing, don’t shame them for it if they don’t believe in the reasons for abstinence.
“I know my family all discuss my life privately which makes me sick. My parents express how my life isn’t how they imagined it’d be, believe they own me & cannot accept that I have my own autonomy. They’d like to see my partner make a “real commitment” to me through marriage “before God” & believe our relationship isn’t as authentic as theirs. My boyfriend & I however are happily unmarried & might be forever. It sits right with us.”
Parents, it’s not your fault if your child leaves Christianity
I have spoken to Christian parents whose children no longer attend church, and they talk about the shame and embarrassment – not necessarily of their children, but from others (usually childless) in the church who wonder where they got it wrong, why their kids have ‘fallen away’ or ‘gone off the rails’. It’s probably because they didn’t bring the Christian faith into the home, some would say, they just constricted it to Sundays and shipped them off to youth group with little communication at dinner. I bet they didn’t pray together, or read the Bible together. The church doesn’t focus enough on bringing Jesus home.
I feel bad that parents have to feel this shame as well. I guess it’s similar to the shame that a child feels at home too, for not feeling like their automony is considered.
If your child leaves Christianity, it is because they have decided Christianity is not for them. Sure, maybe you didn’t ‘condition’ them enough. Maybe, instead, you allowed for critical thinking. Regardless of the outcome, you would rather your child believed in Jesus because it made sense to their head and their heart, not just because their folks told them to.
Be a parent before you be a preacher
Cultivating a space for your child to talk to you about sex, drugs and faith is more important than ensuring they say grace before every meal. Responding with Bible verses and prayer isn’t always the answer, because it’s situated in the context of the belief your child no longer upholds.
Don’t be afraid to let go and simply accept the adult they are becoming. Don’t force them to make a decision about their faith in Jesus right this second. Ask them how they are before you ask how they are with Jesus. Rest knowing that if it’s ‘God’s plan for them to become a Christian’ God will make it happen with or without you.
A word to the ex-Christian kids
Remember how difficult it was to understand our mates when they were falling away? How difficult it was to preach to the unconverted on the street? Remember how much love was in our heart as we tried to start those conversations?
Your parents may never understand. Your relationship may never be the same. Be prepared for this if and when you choose to have the conversation. Healthy relationships are important, but they require both parties to come to the table.
header photo cred: lostslideshows
Also published on Medium.
Thankyou Ruby. For this post, and this website. I can’t tell you how much this comforts me to know that I am not the only one in this position. I am in tears, due to the familiarity of these circumstances- and for the first time in a long time they are tears of relief. That I can show my parents and my family this article, so that they can see that my journey, and my decisions were not purely to hurt them. And who knows, maybe they will understand my perspective a little more- but one thing you have given me is hope. Hope that maybe even one day they’ll even respect me as your parents do.
I can’t thank you enough Ruby.
Thank you so much for your comment. I hope this post helps to articulate the words that are so easily lost when we sit face to face to the people we love. If only we could transmit emotion.
All the best with your parents and your journey. You are not alone xx
Thank you for this! You know what’s crazy? I could have written this when I was 19. These exact words. What’s amazing and not amazing really is that I returned to my faith, wholeheartedly in my 30’s. Why am I writing to you? Well, because now my 19 year old son is right there where I was! I can remember it and understand it and yet I still feel like I failed in what I set out to do. I am, however, NOT going to use guilt or drive a wedge between us. I am going to pray and fast and LOVE and accept where he is now. Because Jesus did/does, because my own parents did. This is spiritual work I have to do. Presently, life has bombarded me with aging /ill parents along with this empty nest but I will survive because of who I know I belong to and who loves me and who is holding me through this pain. I also trust that because my parents raised me to follow Jesus, and as the bible says, I did return. But I returned completely on my own. Out of the need. Out of the sheer desperation that all of the other ways of coping with life were not going to work. By the time I had returned, I had had 4 failed relationships, including a divorce complete with domestic violence and addiction thrown in. I explored all sort of exciting things and learned, all on my own, they were not enough to fill the void.
Coming back to my own child, who I love more than my own life, I will allow him the same necessary space. Parents NEVER want their children to experience pain and yet it is unavoidable and one of the things that builds our character and identity. Pain is necessary and inevitable. I would never rob my own child of the growth he needs. I will love him (I have no choice) and I will not allow myself to forget my own journey which has ultimately been worth it all. Much love to you!
As a mom of three who are all in their 20’s this gave me a lot of insight. I have had hard conversations with all three about their faith and questioning of it, especially the older two. I remember being the same way at their age, and try to remind myself of that. It is so hard because I think only a parent can understand the kind of love that is truly unconditional. It gives us a sliver of how God must feel about HIS children and Wow is it mind-blowing! I loved the comparison of the burning building and the ocean. Amazing how you put into words my feelings that I could not communicate very well. The only thing I personally disagree with is that if it is Gods plan then a person will be saved. Theologians have been debating this for years but I am on the side that believes God gives us the choice to choose Him and doesn’t MAKE us “choose” Him, and that it is His will that all would choose to be saved. So I have no guarantees whether my kids will come back to their faith or not. It was certainly taught in the home as well as in church. They are all still single and loving the idea that we can each interpret the Bible however we feel comfortable. I certainly remember being that way and very emphatic about it. So I will keep praying and hope that, as the prodigal son’s father, I see my children coming up the road and I will so very happily run to meet them knowing that my prayers have been answered and my greatest desire is being realized. Thank you again for your willingness to write this and I hope it helps many people as they struggle through their feelings with this situation.