

Leaving Christianity, Sexuality & Gender

To the Pastoral Carer who Taught me to be Single, Celibate, and Cis

At one point, I remember you offered me a six-week program that you had designed, in which I could mourn my loss of love. One designed for women with “same-sex attraction”.  A program through which I could express grief over the fact that I would give up my ‘desire for a romantic relationship’,  and find joy in the Jesus I was being presented with. I think it was supposed to be cathartic? 

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Christianity, Church, Community, Leaving Christianity

3 Things That Helped My Christian Deconstruction

My first brick fell when I was at a Christian girls’ brunch where I asked the female youth pastor about feminism. I got a “we don’t talk about that here.” Something in me began to rumble. It dawned on me that a world had been curated for me by the church and I had no control over it. At this point, I had no clue what I was feeling. But I knew I had to leave, take time for myself and figure it out.

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Christianity, Church, God

What Do The Terms ‘Deconstruction’ and ‘Reconstruction’ Mean?

There’s a lot of talk about religious ‘deconstruction’ and ‘reconstruction’ at the moment, particularly coming from the #Exvangelical movement. We’re seeing high-profile Christian leaders, authors, theologians and musicians like Joshua Harris (author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye) and Marty Sampson (Hillsong writer) walking away from Christianity, and doing so publicly.  Christians would label this as “leaving the fold” or “falling away”, but for many, and maybe for these former Christian leaders, these terms fail to represent the journey. In fact,…

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